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Meet the Better Whole-Home Water Supply - Rainwater Harvesting

While rainwater harvesting systems are a fantastic way to bring fresh, potable water straight to your house, we love them for the peace of mind they bring.

Tapping into the city waterline has become so commonplace that the idea of not having running water seems unfathomable in today's society. We take city water for granted so much that most of us have never stopped to consider what's actually in it or what would happen if that water supply was ever interrupted.

If those ideas worry you, you probably want another option, but what? It's not like you can dig a well in your backyard.

Luckily, there is another option for soft and pure water directly to your home without having to pay the city every month.

What Is It?

The idea of drinking rainwater catches a lot of people off guard at first, but once you learn more about it, you'll want one for yourself.

The idea is not as complex as some may think. When it rains, the water hits your roof and drains into your downspout; however, instead of being released into the ground, it drains into your rainwater harvesting system.

The water is siphoned through a filter that removes large debris like sticks and leaves before coming to rest in a large water containment vessel that can be above ground, semi-underground, or fully buried.

When you turn on your faucet, the water goes through a multi-series filtration system including charcoal and UV filtration so it is as pure as possible before it reaches the house.

Does It Really Work?

At this point, you probably think this sounds too good to be true.

Afterall, free water for life that is healthier than city or well water seems like some kind of science fiction, but this is real.

While the mechanics of rainwater harvesting are relatively simple, many people misunderstand how much moisture their area actually gets. To ensure that a rainwater harvesting system is a good fit for you, we look at the average rainfall over the past 100 years.

Many customers are surprised to find out how much water their harvesting system can hold and how much moisture they get in a year.

It is crucial to remember that these systems work year-round, and snow, hail, and even condensation will help to keep your system full.

Is It Safe?

Some people question the safety and reliability of a rainwater harvesting system, but the truth is they are safer than relying on city water.

First, rainwater doesn't move through the ground, so it never has a chance to pick up the harsh minerals that make water hard, meaning rainwater is naturally the softest water possible.

Secondly, the filtration systems kill anything biological in the water.

Lastly, rainwater has no chemical additives like chlorine and fluoride, which are common in the city water we all trust.

Another concern that many have is what happens in the rare occurrence that your system runs out of water. Although this will likely never happen,  our rainwater harvesting systems are designed to be able to switch to a backup well or city water system, which means you will never be without running water.

In fact, the opposite is true. With your off-grid water supply, you will still have clean, potable water in the case of a natural disaster or city water shortage.

Our tanks also come with a fill port, so if you are ever in a situation where your tank is empty, and you don't want to be on a backup water supply, you can pay the local fire department to fill your tank in most cases.  

Whole Home Peace of Mind

While rainwater harvesting systems are a fantastic way to bring fresh, potable water straight to your house, we love them for the peace of mind they bring.

You know you are getting cleaner and softer water than city or well water, and you know it will be there in an emergency.

Rainwater harvesting is the whole home water solution for everyone.

If the idea of a whole home water system that delivers all-natural water straight to your faucets sounds exciting to you, contact us today to get started!

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A home that has a Perfect Water rain-harvesting system | Perfect Water