The Ultimate Homeowner’s Guide to

Rainwater Harvesting

If you are curious about rainwater harvesting, we’ve made this ultimate resource guide is for you.

A little girl drinking a clear glass of water | Perfect Water

"Every time it rains, I think it’s like liquid gold in the sky."

Homeowner in Asheville, NC
A couple posing in front of a brick building | Perfect Water

What Is Rainwater Harvesting?

Rainwater harvesting is a process that allows you to catch your own water in the form of natural rainfall.

It involves advanced water catchment technology and high-capacity storage tanks and continues through purification, making the water useable for any purpose in the home such as drinking, cooking, and washing.

From the rooftop to your faucet, rainwater harvesting is a complete water source for your home.

We understand, and we’re here to help.

Overview of Rainwater Harvesting

Want to learn what rainwater harvesting is and what it’s not? This collection of articles covers how rainwater harvesting works, the history or rainwater harvesting, and everything Knoxville and Nashville homeowners and home builders need to know about rainwater harvesting.

Rainwater Harvesting Regulations & Other Information

The legality and regulations regarding rainwater harvesting has changed a lot over the years. Here's some resources around this for your convenience.

Rainwater Harvesting Storage

Rainwater harvesting for residential use involves a system for both storage of rainwater and filtration for drinking water to the home.

Rainwater Harvesting Filtration & Water Quality

Rainwater harvesting for residential use involves a system for both storage of rainwater and filtration for drinking water to the home.

Rainwater Harvesting System Process & Keys to a Successful System

Creating an effective rainwater system requires a complete understanding of the environment in and around the home, current Tennessee laws and regulations, and the latest equipment available.

Rainwater Harvesting Applications

Rainwater harvesting has many applications in commercial and residential settings, including drinking water, Irrigation, fire suppression, and manufacturing processes.

Rainwater Harvesting Puts the
Control In Your Back Yard

Reliable Water Source
City Water is full of chemicals, expensive, and makes you dependent.
High-Quality Water
City Water is full of chemicals, expensive, and makes you dependent.
Completely Yours
City Water is full of chemicals, expensive, and makes you dependent.
A home that has a Perfect Water rain-harvesting system | Perfect Water