Rainwater Harvesting 101
Changing how your home receives its water supply isn't an impulse decision, so we've compiled some FAQs to give you a crash course in our rainwater harvesting systems.
There are many myths surrounding rainwater harvesting, such as its legality and reliability.
Rainwater harvesting is legal in most states, and the more restrictive states are beginning to loosen their restrictions. As far as reliability is concerned, you will have a solid idea of how many gallons of rainwater you can expect over a year before the ground is ever broken on your project.
We live in tumultuous times, so there has never been a better time than now to install a reliable, off-grid, whole-home rainwater harvesting system for your home. Understandably, changing how your home receives its water supply isn't an impulse decision, so we've compiled some FAQs to give you a crash course in our rainwater harvesting systems.
How Does It Work?
The idea of rainwater harvesting is relatively simple. It all starts with your roof, which is measured to calculate the surface area for water collection.
When rain hits your roof, it is transported to downspouts, which direct the water toward your holding tank. Holding tanks can be above-ground, partially buried, or buried with access to necessary components. As the water moves toward the holding tank, it moves through a mesh filter, which collects larger debris, preventing it from entering your water supply.
Once the water passes through the filter, it comes to rest in your anti-microbial tank that holds the water until you need it. When you turn on a faucet, the water is pumped to the house using a strong pump that delivers water pressure equal to or better than a municipal connection.
Before the water ever reaches the house, it travels through a sediment and carbon filter to remove any remaining particles, then through UV light to eliminate bacteria.
One concern people have early in the process is what happens if you run out of water or the system malfunctions. These are both extremely rare occurrences; however, if that were to happen, our system would automatically switch to well or municipal water until the issue is resolved. In the unlikely event that you run out of water, all tanks come with a fill port that allows you to fill your tank from an outside source.
How Does It Compare?
Another common question is how rainwater compares to city or well water, and rainwater wins hands down.
Since rainwater doesn't move through the ground like well and city water, it doesn't pick up all those minerals that make water hard. This means that rainwater is naturally the softest water you can have in your house.
Another advantage rainwater has over other water sources is its purity; unlike city water, rainwater doesn't have additives like chlorine and fluoride, which are controversial water additives that you will find in most city water supplies. The filtration process also ensures that the water is safer and more pure than you will get from other water alternatives.
While rainwater harvesting creates better water in general, the benefits don't stop there. When you have a rainwater harvesting system, you have peace of mind that you will always have a safe, potable water supply, even if a disaster taints city water or otherwise prevents access to it. It also means that you won't ever have to pay another water bill again if you don't want to.
Can I Do It At My House?
A lot of people think that a rainwater harvesting system is only for people who want to live off-grid in the middle of nowhere, but that isn't true.
As long as your property has room for the tank, you can enjoy the purest water possible for your home. We will pull the rainfall data for the past 50 years and calculate your roof's potential to catch rainwater so you will know how much rain you can expect yearly and month-to-month. When you compare that data to your monthly water usage, you will likely find you use less water than your tank can hold.
Plan Now
As rainwater harvesting continues to grow in popularity, projects are being planned further out. Secure your spot today by contacting us to set up an initial consultation. Whether you are working on a new build or are looking to replace your old water system, we're here to help. You will love having naturally soft water without the headaches of monthly water bills or concerns about what is in your drinking water.